Duck Head Memories: Edition I
When we have the pleasure of reintroducing someone to our brand, the question "remember Duck Head?" never fails to strike a cord. It always leaves us with priceless stories from fans who've had a connection to us across our 157 year brand history. We recently asked the Duck Head community to submit their favorite memories so we could have them all in one place, and we weren’t disappointed with what you shared. Here’s a round up of a few of our favorites!

"A pledge brother of mine wore these great worn chinos during our freshman year at the University of Kentucky. His influence motivated me to buy my first pair and many more to follow. I graduated four years later only owning Duck Heads. I stopped wearing blue jeans because I loved my Duck Heads so much.”
-Tim Conlin, University of Kentucky ℅ 1988
“I’m from Nashville, and all I wore in high school were Duck Heads. I went to college in New England, next thing I knew, my friends were giving my mom their measurements and asking her to buy Duck Heads in Nashville at Friedman’s Army Surplus and ship them to Williamstown. Not sure Duck Heads had ever made it to western Massachusetts before Mrs. Blankenship sent them in the late ‘80s!”
-Trace Blankenship, William College ℅ 1989
“At UNC, Duck Heads were the only khakis on campus. So much so I thought all khakis were called Duck Heads”
-Jill Kelso, University of North Carolina ℅ 1990
"Duck Heads and Ole Miss went hand in hand in the ‘80s... Back then, starching them at the local University Cleaners was mandatory. You could literally stand them up in the corner of a room they were so starched. But the end result was a pair of pants that set up well with a white button down shirt, blue and red striped tie, Navy Blue Blazer, and a flask of KY Bourbon."
- Scott Stephens, Ole Miss ℅ 1990
“When I was at college, Duck Head khakis were very popular. They were part of the daily uniform for class or after hours. You wanted to be sure that you had at least 2 pairs, so that you would have one to wear while the other was in the washer!”
-Mark Kirby, Auburn University ℅ 1984
“In the late 1980’s Duck Head was THE brand for male collegiates at LSU. I didn’t have the option of purchasing a girls version of the classic khaki chino. I hijacked my boyfriend’s “too small” pair, and had them tailored to fit with a smaller waist, slightly tapered leg.”
-Nicole Klooster, Louisiana State University ℅ 1990
Stay tuned for Edition II of our favorite Duck Head memories, and if you haven't already, be sure to share yours with us here!
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