Traditions, Dishes, and Pies
Around here at Duck Head HQ, the chill of autumn has arrived and the excitement of the upcoming holidays is definitely in the air. AND the prospect of gathering safely with friends and family this year is making the joys of a traditional Thanksgiving even that much sweeter. Towards the end of a recent Duck Head marketing meeting, our team started to share their travel plans, favorite Turkey-Day pastimes and the dishes they crave each and every year. That discussion inspired us ask a wider sampling of team members to weigh in on this beloved holiday. Here we serve up their rich and delicious answers to get you in the spirit. Think of it as our holiday toast you and your family. We’re very grateful that YOU are a part of OURS...

Leslie Stanford, Senior Designer
Tradition: Watching football all day around the fire with my family.
Pie: I skip dessert and go for a second round of dinner!
Cory Kay, Customer Account & Operations Manager
Tradition: My parents own a restaurant and catering business. Every Thanksgiving the whole family helps cater for 500+ 1st & 2nd shift employees at a local plant. We pack the orders while watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade in the morning and the Dallas Cowboys in the evening. We’re always happy to be able to provide meals to those who must work on Thanksgiving.
Dish: Broccoli & Cheese Casserole
Pie: Apple Pie
James Kokalis, National Sales Manager
Tradition: Bottle(s) of wine around the camp fire.
Dish: Stuffing! Not the fancy stuff. Straight from the box.
Pie: Impossible to choose. No joke, all of them.
Betts Copenhaver, Brand Director
Tradition: Un-rushed time to cook the best meal of the year.
Dish: Sweet Potato Casserole.
Pie: No pies – but I love Pumpkin Whoopie Pies!
Betts's Sweet Potato Casserole

3 cups cooked, of mashed sweet potatoes
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
⅓ cup milk
½ cup butter
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
⅓ cup all-purpose flour
⅓ cup butter
1 cup finely chopped pecans
Combine sweet potatoes, sugar, eggs, vanilla, milk, and ½ cup butter: beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Spoon into a greased 2 qt casserole. Combine brown sugar, flour, ⅓ cup butter, and pecans. Sprinkle over top of casserole. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
Erica Whitfield, Marketing Coordinator
Tradition: I love to go Black Friday shopping with my parents and let them pick out their own birthday gifts since they both fall on the holiday weekend. We love the shopping, but the people watching is the best part!
Dish: Sweet Potato Casserole.
Pie: Apple.
Victoria Fuentes, Product Development and Design Coordinator
Tradition: Watching the Goonies
Dish: Stuffing
Pie: Pumpkin
Tracie Summers, Customer Service Representative
Tradition: Just having the family over and the feeling of being surrounded by so much love! (I just got chills!) Plus that’s when our Marine is home.
Dish: My husband’s Smoked Turkey Breast & my homemade Herb Dressing with Sage Sausage & Baby Bella Mushrooms.
Pie: Our (1st) daughter-in-love’s Gingerbread Trifle (not really a pie, but awesome!) The first time she made it Summers said: “OK, that’s your dish to bring from now on…”
Sherron Threlkeld, Customer Service & Operations Manager
Tradition: Making homemade Cornbread Dressing from my mother’s – and her mother’s – recipe!
Dish: Homemade Cornbread Dressing!
Pie: Pecan - we like to make one using pecans from our own farm close to town.
Kelley Norman, Customer Service & Operations Manager
Tradition: Before we eat we all go around the table, tell everyone the one thing we are most thankful for and we also say who we miss the most who can’t be with us. I always say my grandmother – sweetest soul there ever was.
Dish: Sweet Potato Casserole (no marshmallows!)
Pie: Apple. ALWAYS Apple Pie.
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